FD21 Smart Controller


Product Details

When a welding error occurs, troubleshooting can be done easily, leading to reduced downtime.


New FD21 Smart Controller

Increased Reliability
When a welding error occurs, trouble shooting can be done easily, leading to reduced downtime.

Easy troubleshooting (optional)
When a welding error occurs, data is backed up automatically. This helps find the cause of the trouble, leading to reduced downtime.

Traceability can be done easily (optional)
By connecting a computer.

Limitless potential of extensive “CONNECTIVITY”

  • Easily “connects” with peripheral equipment through simplified system configuration
  • CONNECTS” from anywhere in the world
  • Expanded motion control via “connectable” external axis unit
  • Improved “Connectivity” for multiple robots and multiple auxiliary axes
  • Enhance your system by “connecting” commercial peripherals
  • Offline teaching “CONNECTS” you to uninterrupted production

More Machines Under Power than Anywhere Else

In our Technology Showrooms, you can see more machines under power than anywhere else. Our unmatched reputation for service before, during and especially after the sale is the reason why more companies choose Capital than any other machine tool distributor. We hope you enjoy your stay here in our home on the web. We urge you to browse through our pages and check out our product lines.

Call to Action

Fusion Arc Weld Cells

Capital Robotics offers a complete line of pre-configured weld cells, known as Fusion Arc. Each cell is optimized for the working envelope of the robotic manipulator they are designed for. While these cells are pre-configured they do offer simple expansion and come pre-drilled and tapped to accept many optional accessories. If a custom configuration is required, please call and find out how we can meet your needs while supplying a safe and efficient custom weld cell.

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