How an OMAX waterjet brings characters to life

The May edition of The Fabricator, introduces readers to the world of animatronics, interactive characters and puppets that are brought to life with the help of the OMAX Maxiem 1530 waterjet cutting machine. This all takes place at Animax Designs, Nashville, TN, machine shop.

James Hudak is the manager of the machine shop, with six individuals working along-side him, two which are certified welders. Although the nature of Animax’s work is unique, it’s similar to life in any other shop. Except, Hudak and his team bring amazing characters to life, including giant dinosaurs!

Hudak also helped to animate cartoon figures, monsters, and other mythical creatures during his nine years with Animax Designs Inc., Nashville, Tenn. Officially, the company, founded in 1989, is dedicated to creating “extraordinary three-dimensional characters with artistic integrity and cutting-edge technology,” per the website.

“It’s more or less whatever the client wants, and we’ll look at the project and say, ‘Yeah, we can do that no matter what.’ Then we figure it out or we send it out to be worked on,” Hudak said.

At Animax Designs, the pressure is to keep the project moving forward. Delays in one department have a domino effect, squeezing other departments’ timeframe to get their jobs done.

To help it become more responsive, the machine shop purchased and installed an OMAX Maxiem 1530 waterjet cutting machine from machine tool distributor Capital Machine Technologies. The waterjet was installed in April 2020.

Hudak has called the waterjet a “game-changer” in being able to meet the requests of customers, both internally and externally.

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Davis, Dan. “Craft and common sense”. The Fabricator, March 2021/VOL. 51 NO. 3 How a waterjet helps to bring characters to life for Nashville designer. Accessed 26 May 2021.

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